Saturday, July 13, 2013

Last Week Part 3

We went to a meat place to eat for lunch one day. It was actually really spicy.
Our server at the restaurant

 We've always wanted to get one of these chicken on a stick street food. So we finally got one! Panda being the messy freak she is got the sauce all over her face while Bunny ate it with no problem. Panda is still confused about how these things can be eaten in a clean manner. xD
 This is a dinner we had one night. We just had katsu

We went to a bubble tea place called Gong Cha. They have a different way of ordering drinks, because they have selections of how much sugar and ice you want in your tea. Bunny being conscious of how much sugar she can handle didn't want to go too high so she chose the 70% option. Panda who wasn't conscious at all about the amounts of sugar got the 100% option....that was very sweet bubble tea. 70% was even a bit too sweet for Bunny. >______________________<
 We got some yummy desserts from a street vender

 Even though we eat a lot in Korea we've still lost weight. Here we stuffed our pants for the picture so that they wouldn't fall.

Last Week Part 2

We went to the Thanks Nature Cafe with Leejoo's cousin Jennifer! This cafe is under another cafe called Cafe Cantata

Yes, there are live sheep at this cafe

This device below is a coffee maker, but we didn't get coffee. It just looked cool
Our drinks~ strawberry oreo shake (right), handmade Lemonade (middle), handmade grape juice (left)
We got a giant fruit waffle too

We hung around a little bit longer to see if there were any good street performers. We met 흥대ABCD (HongdaeABCD). They are a great duo group (the guy with the glasses is just a friend).
Look they have a facebook ~>
They can be found on youtube too; search: 흥대ABCD

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Last Week Part 1

These last few posts are just going to consist of random things we did. We can't exactly say which day or the order that things were done in so we put it all together. (I swear we didn't eat this much in one day x.x) These photos are from Monday-Thursday....I think...or maybe Monday-Wednesday? Something like that ^^

This is Vietnamese food
They are both spicy dishes with seafood. One has noodles the other one has rice. We basically burned our mouths off >0<
Some where we found all of these cardboard cut outs of Jang Geun Suk (famous actor/musician/model...). So why not take pictures with him? :P

We went to a Japanese bento restaurant. They have a little place where customers can write notes and put them on the wall. So here are a few that we liked:

We took pictures of the place too~

Our bentos

Oh yea we did one too~ :D

We found Eat Your Kimchi studio!!!!!
For people who don't know eatyourkimchi. They are a Canadian couple that started out as English teachers in Korea, but their blogging became really popular. So now they are professional bloggers. They blog about culture, music, entertainment, and all sorts of things.

Soundholic entertainment (music label)~ 
They have their own music festival :O
Believe it or not...these next few pictures are from us walking into a store.

It looks like a club! but it's just a clothing store haha
This cafe....
reminds me of the shire from Lord of the Rings
Leejoo makes a great hobbit~ :P she fits perfectly

Molly's Pops is the best!
All of the ice cream is hand made
relatively cheap too~

We love this cafe! Cafe Record. Literally you order drinks and there is a big selection of CDs that you can listen too. We spend quite a bit of time there listening to indie groups~

This is a famous Tteopokki place. It was used in the Korean drama: Mary Stayed Out All Night
The guy working in the shop was really nice. He tried to pose for the picture haha~
We bought some food from there too

We didn't go here, but we wanted a picture of the title of it. "Cafe goodovening"? do they have good ovens??? xD
We went here though. Cacao Green (Chocolate Cafe)

here is the inside~

Everything on the menu is made from certain amounts of dark chocolate. So we ordered hot chocolate (sweet) and a dark chocolate brownie.
pictures in our drinks :D

We drew a picture for them
Street performers