Friday, May 31, 2013

Namsangol Hanok Village

First with something random. Today was really sunny and warm, so there was a small place(near where we live) had turned on the fountain that kids can play in.

 Anywayz, we went to Namsan today and went to a little hanok village (traditional style village).

We first got lost on our way there and ended up at Korea House, a place where traditional wedding ceremonies take place. Sadly, there were no weddings going on that day so we couldn't see one. :(

Inside the Korea House, showing outside where the traditional wedding ceremony is held.

Statue thingys near the wedding place

Old jars where things are fermented (like kimchi and soy bean paste) and sauces are stored.

Inside one of the houses at the Korea House. (modernized)

Who's getting married?
Then we finally found the Namsangol Hanok Village right behind it, just a few steps away. >__<
There were these touristy things so we just derped around a bit.

 Then we looked around the area.
Random kitchen
 Here is a video:

At one part of the village, they were having a free medical examination by Dae Jang-Guem, a famous Korean physician/ kitchen court maid. We got a quick medical examination traditional style and even got some free tea.
 Here is the video where we talk about that:

Afterwards we had some lunch, since there was a lunch break from 12 - 1. (Look at our food post for details)

Then we went back to the village to buy some tickets to try on hanboks, "traditional korean clothes".

Here be some pictures:

Afterwards, we saw a rehearsal for a Taekwondo show that would be on the weekend. Maybe we'll come back to watch it later....

Here are more pictures of the Hanok Village:

all the hanboks


oh look! stray cat!

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