Thursday, June 6, 2013

Biking along the Han River

Today we woke up soooo late. Like at 10:30. We didn't leave the house until around 1 pm. Since we left so late, but had to be back at around 6:30 for dinner with the family. So....we just went to Ichon to rent a bike to ride along the Han River.

It was pretty hot today and I was worried that our faces would melt off, but it was overcast and breezy enough.

We rented out bikes at Ichon for a total of 13000 won (about $13), so about 6500 won for one person ($6.50) which isn't that bad for riding for 3+ hours.

We biked all the way over to the east end of Seoul which was about 11 miles, so we biked for about 22 miles total.Our legs were so dead by the end! (><)

Bunny's rented bike! Panda's was the same but had smaller wheels and was a dark blue color.

Where the 1988 Olympic was held

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