Friday, June 14, 2013


We went to a bunch of museums because it rained a lot.

The Tea museum, Rolling Ball museum, and Fun museum.
Interesting museum choices, ay?   ┐('~`;)┌  

we only took videos at the Rolling ball museum. Here is a video of the museums (Fun+Rolling Ball):
Tea museum pictures
(it wasn't really a museum...we drank tea and looked at types of tea)

This is sweet hydrangea leaf
(it was sooo good (/^▽^)/)

Green tea rice cake.....we think...the server never told us. It was complimentary 
We got snacks too ^^. Top one is pumpkin spice rice cake. The bottom one is a chestnut paste cookie.

Fun museum pictures
(it was fun haha, but very random)

Worst decision maker ever. It only goes to try again xD

This would have been the best book to have during high school, because there is a pillow :3

useless things~ haha

this is meant for children, but little Lee can still fit in it :P

clean your dishes with AFROS!! ^.~

tissue boxes

after the museums we got another snack
left: fish eggs. Right: bulgogi

Random pictures from today~

energy drinks lol. Lee thought it was gross.

hahaha this shirt... I can't even xD

yep that will be me after Korea xD jet-lagged haha

Left: blueberry yogurt smoothie. Back: kimchi and something else rice ball with seaweed. Right: iced green tea latte. Front: spicy chicken rice ball with seaweed.

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