Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Touring Across Korea

We went on a bus tour across Korea to the Sea of Japan/East Sea. Stopped by a mountain, went to a fish market, went to a beach, and went on a boat ride~
I really can't tell you where exactly we went... sorry >__<
we just rode a bus to places haha


There were bones in the soup >.<
Fish market~


oh wait we rode a train to the beach haha ^_^;)

 This train behind us is actually a museum about 'time'.
and the picture below is a shrine that we saw in one of the mountains by the beach.

Snack time on the way home~

The one to the right is a cracker with chocolate and an almond on the inside. The one on the left is corn chips in cone shapes.

later that night.......

Lee's aunt brought home some fish shaped cracker made with rice cake and stuffed with red bean.

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