Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bukchon Hanok Village

(Directions at the bottom)

Today we went to another part of Korea that has old houses from long time ago. This place was touristy but also a residential place so it was kinda weird/cool.

There were some very small "museums" (more like a few rooms of stuff you can look at) and real artisans that lived there.

When we first went to the area of traditional crafts, most of them were closed for lunch time. So we just decided to come back later after eating lunch at Kokoro Bento.

I got the expensive teriyaki eel bento and Panda got the teriyaki chicken bento. This place was across the Jaedong Tourist Information Center.

We got a free appetizer. We have no clue what it is. It was like pudding like jello except it tasted a bit like eggs. It was pretty delicious.

Then we got our bentos!

Our bentos
Cute kitty figures

After eating, we went back to the crafts area.
First we went to the Gahoe Falk Museum. This was a workshop dedicated to traditional painting. There were different things you could paint and each one cost a different amount of money. We decided to do the Dancheong Card Painting. 
The Dancheong was a type of design that exists on the palaces and temples only. The yellow center signified the universe and it was surrounded by warm colors and backed up by cold colors. This signified peace in the universe. We were given some designs to choose and then we painted away.

The Han Sang Soo Embroidery Museum was next. There was just a lot of embrodiery in about 4 rooms to look at. We didn't do any hands on activity since it cost a lot and would take a lot of time to even finish one. We just looked around, drank their free tea and sat around staring at the details of the embroidery.

Next, we went to the Dong Lim Knot Workshop. There was a mini museum (just two rooms) full of traditional knot works. Sadly, they didn't allow pictures but we got to make some of our own simple knots. We made a dragonfly cell charm.

Dragonflies signify friendship since they always travel in pairs.

We also went to see the Kum Bak Yeon place which was a workshop for gold leafing on clothes. Aparently Korea is the only one to gold leaf onto clothes. There was a really nice tour guide who guided us around the small 3-4 rooms of stuff. The cool thing was he was the 5th generation to do this work. His family first served the Joseun King in the 1800s and still are doing this work and have been around this place for a long long time.

Next, we went to the Bukchon Traditional Crafts Experience Center and made Hanji (paper) jewelry boxes.

Then we just walked around the village taking pictures. It must be wierd and annoying for the people living here since all the tourists are taking pictures of their houses and doors. xD

Bunny pointing to the steep stairs not the girls...or is she?

Then we stopped by a cafe for some drinks.

Omija Berry Tea and Green Tea Latte

RANDOM: Konlish of the Day

Subway Line 3   Get off at Anguk Station and go to exit 2. Walk straight until you see the tourist center. Get a map (it will help).

Red: Station Exit 2              Dark Blue: Tourist Center              Light Blue: Kokoro Bento

To get to the Traditional Crafts area, keep going straight up from the tourist area then turn at a small alleyway where traditional houses start.
1. Gahoe Falk Museum (painting)                              2. The Han Sang Soo Embroidery Museum                                            3. Dong Lim Knot Workshop (knot making)              4. Kum Bak Yeon (gold leafing)                                                              5. Bukchon Traditional Crafts Experience Center

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