Thursday, June 20, 2013

Taekwondo the Myeongdong~

Today we planned on taking a 1 hour taekwondo lesson, but we got up too late and missed it. T_T
So we hung around Myeongdong until 4 to go see the taekwondo show for real.
At Myeongdong we ate at a really famous place called: Myeongdong Kyoja

kalguksu (hot broth noodles with dumplings)

kongguksu (soybean cold noodles)

Green tea noodles~
It was sooooooooo yummy and super filling!!!! :O

We had green tea ice cream too. IT'S SOOO GOOD!
After we ate this we got another one to go, haha like the fatties we are :P

Then we saw the taekwondo show (the full thing finally!).

Then after the show they wanted to show the foreigners how to break wood. So of course Leejoo and I got pumped for that! ^^

Fighting stance
(we had a guy take pictures of us. I think he was apart of the taekwondo crew??)
We be powerful! :3

Listening for the directions on how to break the wood
lol this is when we realized that they were teaching us a kick to break the wood. We forgot we wore skirts haha. 

hiiiii camera man. Thanks for taking pictures for us derpy people~

how do we kick!?!?The taekwondo master told us he would teach us how to use our hands. ^o^)/

our derpy kick~

Learning how to use our hands to break the wood

YEA! So ready for this!!

hahaha the dude who held my wood is funny. The girl probably didn't even know~ :P

yay!~ go us! we can break wood with our hands!!! :D

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