Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Lotte Mart/Outlet

Look at the Kappibaras~ cuuuute :3
....then there is Amanda lol bleeehh xD

We went to Lotte outlet first, but it was pretty expensive so we went to Lotte mart which is like a Walmart except more. There is food, clothes, kitchenware, toys, office supplies, electronics, pets, exercise equipment....etc.
We spent a lot of time watching the 3D TV xD yes there are 3D TVs and they are fun to watch kpop mvs on hahaha
Then we got lunch at the food court:
Left: Rappoki (spicy rice cake mixed with ramyun). Right: Ox tail bone soup. 맛있다
After that we went to Ewhdae. We just shopped and we ran into an indie performance. They are called "New Hill" (check them out on facebook ~> facebook.com/newhillsong). They were really good!

Leejoo and I joined a contest where we just write down random thoughts on a sticky note. I won even though it was written in English. The guitarist of the band read it out load. haha it was funny because before he read it he looked at it and was like "English?! this is difficult" O________o 
I won two bracelets. So yay Lee and I both have one :D
(I would have a picture, but right now we are so unorganized that we can't even find them xD)

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