Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Gyeongbokgung Palace Performances

We went to Gyeongbokgung palace Saturday and Sunday (June15-16)

The performances mostly video, except for the first, because we weren't allowed to take video. (but I'm sneaky so there is a short clip of it.

funny story: after the performance with; the guy with the long white flower poofy thing. His son came up to give him flowers. It was really cute! his dad gave him a kiss on the cheek and his mom made him bow to the audience, but while bowing Leejoo and I noticed that he drooled when he bowed~ I wish I filmed it because it was so funny, but I missed it >_< oh well you'll just have to imagine the hilarity of the scene.

We went with Leejoo's grandma/aunt. 
Surprisingly this place was really cheap! but there was so much food!! >_______________< I thought my stomach was going to explode. It was really cool though, because the servers literally bring you the top of the table with all of the food and they put it on top of the table you are at.

This is a picture from the first performance we saw called "Danomaji Gut". It is a shamanic ritual to thank the mountain Gods (you can see them on the pictures on the wall) for peace in the family. Wish for tranquility, health, longevity, wealth, and honor.

We got free rice cake from the performance

There were zodiac statues there
I'm a monkey
Lee's a rooster

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