Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Family Bonding Time

We were suppose to go to the river to play on Sat and Sun. but one of my cousins had a important exam and so we just ate dinner together.
Derping while waiting for the food


Family! But this is just a few of them. There were 14 people there. And that's just my mom's side of the family. And that's not even all of them. x.x so many people!
After eating, we went to my youngest aunt's house and went crazy at a kid's playground.

Then on Sun. my uncle took us to the countryside to pick some blackberries.
Some type of county berry that you can eat. They were sweet and sour at the same time.

Mushrooms being cultivated!

We picked these blackberries.

So many berries!! @___@

We got to take this much home for free. Thank you aunt's husband's cousin's husband!

Our hands after picking (eating) the berries.
Afterwards, before we traveled back home, we went to the mountains where a famous temple was for fun.

Really old tree. Like a thousand years old.

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