Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Look at the rice Susan!

We started out later than usual because we were lazy today.
Some random ladies were giving out flyers about a church, but they specially also gave us balloon swords (・∀・ )
Then we went to Namdaemun and went to the stationary Alpha store. Then we walked over to Myeong-dong to eat but got thirsty on the way and got some yogurt smoothies at Tea Oreum. They were really good~~ *^ワ^*
Blueberry on the left and Strawberry on the right

 Then we went to Yoonasan to eat some rice and chicken!
There was a grill in front of us and the server cooked it directly for us! YUM!!

The grill
They cooked the meat and green onion first
This is the rice and stuff that is added after the meat is cooked.

We also had some derp moments today. While we were walking around Myeong-dong trying to find a place to eat, Amanda derped around with a Japanese man. He had a hand gun and pretended to shoot while Amanda attacked him with her balloon sword.  (≧▽≦)
It was really funny. They then talked to us and gave us seaweed and crackers. xD

We were also stopped by this other Japanese man who asked us to pick who the handsomest guy was on a poster of guys as a survey. Amanda got to use her Japanese a little.  d=(´▽`)=b
I just stared like a duck. (-'_'-)

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