Thursday, June 27, 2013

Cafe Mocha! Joa, Joa, Joa~

Today was just meant to be another day to try and find presents for friends in Myeong-Dong.

We ate some street food for lunch. Black rice/brown sugar hot cake. haha yea I know....healthy. We are great at that :P
 Stopped by the Lamp Cafe
It's in Myeongdong above the shop N & J. For directions, just ask the tourist people dressed in red that are on one of the main streets of Myeongdong.
(it's really cute~)

We got a cafe mocha, milk tea, and choco mouse cake

The tea cup is really cute!!

When we left the cafe we were walking and saw the Girl's Day truck. Girl's Day is a girl k-pop group. They weren't there yet... but we didn't care enough to stick around

We saw a street performance. Guitar and saxophone. Watch it. it's really short because the camera was running out of battery.

Say hello to our Garfield friend. He likes to dance with airplanes xD

This section is called the DL
(for certain people who wanted this section)
cute guys for you....or well we thought they were cute ^.^
people ask us for pictures all the time so why can't we get pictures too!?!?

Our server at the Lamp cafe
A guy who was handing out flyers in Hyehwa

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