Thursday, June 20, 2013

Derping Edae, Meeting Tae-In, Super Bad Karaoke

It was Monday morning and we woke up really late. So we just had lunch near my grandparent's house. (It was at Sookmyung Women's University area.)
We ate something called Shabu Shabu, a Korean version of a hot pot (?)
Basically, you had some broth that was boiling in front of you and some vegetables, meat, and noodles that you put into the broth then ate together when it was all cooked (only took a few sec. to cook). There were also some sauces to dip the stuff into. It was really yummy!

 After eating, we went to Edae again to shop. We saw this along the way. LOLZ

Amanda got thirsty along the way and got a Mint Chocolate Latte.

 Then we meet up with Tae-In and went to eat dinner. We had mul nam-myun or cold noodles and kalbi-like meat.

 After dinner we had dessert. We had a waffle ice cream platter (we forgot to take a picture. we were vultures when it was served) and one yogurt with fruit and a special tea called Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
We went outside to burn off our food, but then it started to rain. So we went to a karaoke room to pass the time.


seriously. I mean it.

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