Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Myeongdong Fun~

we went to look for some presents and just do some things we didn't do before.
In the morning we had Mandu Tteok Guk (dumpling rice cake soup)

We both got giant green tea and vanilla ice cream. We had to wolf it down before it melted x_____X 

Inside of a clothing store we saw Captain America!!
and Iron Man!!!

Stores in Korea tend to have many floors so we went up to the top. There were some random interesting things up there such as this giant bear:

I'm so famous now! :P

 hahaha~ random photo opportunities 
 and these chairs looked so comfy!

We've always wanted to try these potato twist snacks so we finally did! so yummy and fattening~ :D

 Then on our way back home we stopped at a bread shop and got this bread with sesame seeds and chestnut on the inside~

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